October 2023 Newsletter


Happy Thanksgiving to parents, students, seamstresses and everyone who is a part of St. Vitus Catholic School of Dance, I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. I am excited to be back dancing with you! I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new dancers and their families. I would also like to extend a thank you to the returning congregation at St. Mary’s. We are grateful for and welcome the recent support and participation from our Novus Ordo congregation and family members who have recently joined our dance school. Thank you and welcome.

Saturday Morning Class Time

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Latin language classes began in the church basement. While every effort to make suitable arrangements was made over the summer, the size of the Latin language class has grown beyond the capacity of its originally discussed location. Participants in the class are as eager to continue their learning as we are to continue dancing, and while sharing the space is possible, it is not ideal for students of either class. As a result, I am reaching out to dancers and their families to explore our options for accommodations. In particular, I am looking to understand if there are any students who would be unable to attend classes if they were to start 15 minutes later, and if there any students who would be unable to attend classes if they were to start 30 minutes later.

I have created a brief survey (less than 5 minutes to complete) for parents to indicate their availability at either of these times. If you have no concerns about either of these changes, no survey response is needed. If your participation would be made impossible for you by a change in the class time by either 15 or 30 minutes, however, I would ask you to please fill in the survey so I can assess the impact of moving classes. As we are looking to settle on a new permanent arrangement this week, I would appreciate it if everyone could submit their responses by Wednesday, October 18th at the latest so that I can communicate to parents any change in class time on Thursday or Friday.

If I do not receive a response, I will assume everyone will be able to accommodate either new time, so if you have an immovable conflict, please fill in the survey.

If you know of anyone who should be notified of a change but who may not have received this newsletter, please contact me with a way to reach out, forward this newsletter or direct them to the site where it can be found posted.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I appreciate everyone’s understanding, patience and charity in this matter, and thank you in advance for your assistance in coming to a resolution that will allow both classes to continue.

Open Class Extension

Due to expressed interest, St. Vitus Catholic School of Dance will be extending open trials of classes until the end of October for families who have recently discovered our school. This extension does not, however, change any of the existing class plans or schedules. Dancers will begin learning dances for the end of year performance this week, and costume proposals will also be made available to students to take home and view online.

Information about trial classes can be found on the dance classes page, and information about dress requirements for students attending classes can be found on the class requirements page.

Please make sure that any dancers who intend to participate for the year are registered so your instructor has the proper contact information for parents, and an email so you receive future newsletters and updates as they come out. The existing registration form has also been updated to allow previous registrants to change their responses if they are adding or changing the classes they would like to register for.

Dancer Portal Updates

The dancer portal is active and has a listing of all classes currently offered for the 2023/2024 dance season. Many class pages have already been updated with new material in order to support dancers who wish to practice at home, see their costume design or listen to their class music.

Classes will be updated to include recital music and costume designs as the first priority, warm up and stretch music (if applicable) as the second priority and any additional music used in class as the last priority. Updates will be posted as regularly as possible.

To view the dancer portal, please click the login button at the top of any page on the website. Creating a new account can also be done through the login screen. Accounts which are not for individuals who are currently enrolled or have family enrolled in dance classes with St. Vitus Catholic School of Dance are not permitted.

Recital Costumes

Recital costume designs are in the process of being posted, with many available online already through the dancer portal. Parents are encouraged to review the proposed designs of costumes for each dance their children will be participating in and provide costume feedback if there are concerns about costume proposals. Costume feedback will be accepted up until the end of November, after which time materials will be purchased for costumes.

A list of materials required for each class is provided on individual class pages where costumes are posted, and a summary list will be posted for seamstresses in the St. Anne Sewing Club alongside costume designs on a separate page. Fabric donations are always accepted, whether material is on the list for this season’s costumes or not. I am grateful for any fabric donated to the dance school. Donated fabric allows us to keep costume costs lower for parents, and can help you clear out stash space. If you would like to donate fabric, please contact Gwendolyn Witecki to arrange for fabric to be picked up from St. Mary’s Church in Linwood, or bring it to any dance class.

Parents are reminded that they will be required to pay the materials cost (and only the materials cost) of any costume their child will require to perform in the recital at the end of the year. Currently, the plan is to host the recital at St. Jacob’s Country Playhouse, in June of 2024. St. Jacob’s Country Playhouse is a fully equipped theatre, with all the amenities required to put on a full dance show. Participation in the recital is optional, but dancers wishing to participate will require a costume for each dance they will perform on stage. Please inform your instructor if a dancer does not intend to participate in the recital before the end of December 2023, so they are not sewn a costume. Further information will be provided related to the recital as we approach the date.

All Saints Week

Students who are attending class on Saturday, October 28, 2023 or Monday, October 30, 2023 are invited to come to class in an appropriate and dance-safe costume. The instructor will also dress in costume for these dates, and nut free candy will be provided for students to take home after class.

Open House

This year’s autumn open house will take place on Saturday, November 25, 2023 and Monday, November 27, 2023. During open house parents, family and friends of dancers are invited to be seated at the front of class to watch as a formal audience.

Open house is an excellent opportunity for both the dancers to practice dancing in front of an audience before the end of year recital, as well for parents, family and friends to see what students have been working on in class. We encourage everyone to invite relatives and/or friends who do not typically have an opportunity to attend classes to watch and encourage our dancers.

Come out and enjoy an informal performance and help us celebrate all the progress our dancers have already made this season!

Important Dates at St. Vitus

October 18: Last day to submit concerns related to potential Saturday dance class time changes

October 19 or 20: Update sent out related to Saturday dance class times

October 20: All costume proposals posted online in dancer portal for review (Costume Review form is already up for those costumes which have already been posted)

October 28 and 30: All Saints Week (Wear a costume to class)

October 30: Last day of open trial classes

November 1: Last day to register for classes or update registration forms

November 11 and 13: Dancers measured for costumes

November 25: Autumn Open House

November 30: Last day to submit costume feedback

Thank you everyone for making the beginning of our 2023/2024 dance season a success! I am excited every week to come to class and see everyone’s smiling faces. Our dancers’ hard work, enthusiasm and love for dance is inspiring and I am proud of each and every one of you. I look forward to continuing to dance with you this season!

God bless,
Gwendolyn Witecki


November 2023 Newsletter


September 2023 Newsletter